League of Legends directory: Fast access to our top resources
2 min read
Becoming a victor against other League of Legends gamers in pro and dominating Summoner’s Rift is much easier said than done. We’ve scoured the web for the greatest guides to give you a few tips to control your competitors.
Fifteen years into its life cycle, League’s initial release to our PCs seems like an eternity, with only a select few having predicted that such a game would grow into one of the biggest and most played esports genres.
It’s not surprising that every new player joins this game every year. So here we go. We’ve listed a couple of guides to get you back on track.
In League of Legends, the right champions should be used. Reasonably enough, we have a huge tier list that will discuss just about everything so you can know which way to go.
- Best League of Legends Champions: Tier List
- The 10 Played Champions in Ranked
- Champions Sectored Least in Ranked
- All League of Legends Champions and Roles.
League of Legends Esports is huge, with all the essential information on the iconic Worlds 2024 tournament and who is going where as part of Rostermania 2025.
- LoL Rostermania 2025: Every LTA, LEC, LPL, LCP & LCK roster movements
- T1 bagged it all: LoL Worlds 2024 recap
- All-time LoL World champions
- All-time MSI champions
- All-time all-LCS champions
- All-time LCK champions
- All-time all-LPL champions
Positions & roles
In playing League of Legends, you will notice that certain areas of the Summoner’s Rift will need a specific role, and there are Champs best suited for these roles.
- Top Junglers
- Best ADCs
- Best Top layers
- Warding Tips
- How to Carry Solo
- How to view the amount you’ve spent on League of Legends
- How to receive prizes from Prime Gaming
Our team of League of Legends experts
Every year, a number of our journalists and writers who have been League players for years get together to provide you with the most up-to-date information and top tips on the game.
- Carver Fisher
- James Lynch
- Declan McLaughlin