Overwatch 2 Season 2 Patch Notes: Hero Grind Finally Addressed
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overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 Season 2 is finally here and the game has received some much-needed balance changes. In addition to the new hero, new ranked season, and other content, the developers also addressed some of the biggest concerns of the community. The battle pass grind has been nerfed and you should be able to unlock all seasonal heroes much quicker. Some of the underperforming heroes like Doomfist and Mercy have been adjusted to make them more viable while oppressive characters like Sojourn have been hit with the ban hammer.
Overwatch 2 Season 2 Patch Notes
Here are all of the changes in the new update:
- There are new, temporary Competitive title rewards for name cards based on your end of season rank
- You can only earn these titles at the end of the current Competitive season and can only use them in the season following
- Heroes that aren’t eligible for competitive play will have a lock icon in the Hero Gallery
- Implemented a group of matchmaking enhancements to improve match quality
- Minor polish improvements to the competitive play UI flow
- New hero, Ramattra, won’t be available in competitive for 2 weeks
Damage Role Passive
- No longer provides a movement speed bonus
- Reload speed bonus increased from 25 to 35%
- Ramattra has been added to the line-up
New Hero: Ramattra
- Void Accelerator (Omnic Form)
- Primary: Fire a stream of projectiles in a fixed pattern
- Secondary: Create a barrier at the targeted location
Nemesis Form
- Transform into Nemesis Form, changing your attacks and gaining bonus armor
Pummel (Nemesis Form)
- Primary: Punch forward, creating a wave of piercing energy with every swing
- Secondary: Significantly reduces damage taken from the front and reduces movement speed
Ravenous Vortex
- Fire a nano ball, which explodes when it hits the ground, spreading a damaging field. Affected enemies are slowed and pulled downward
- Enter Nemesis Form and create an energy swarm surrounding yourself. This swarm will lash out towards nearby enemies, dealing damage and pausing the duration when damage is dealt.
Balance Changes
Rocket Punch
- Impact damage range (minimum-maximum) increased from 15-30 to 25-50 damage
- Wall slam damage range (minimum-maximum) reduced from 20-40 to 10-30 damage
- Empowered Rocket Punch wall slam stun duration range reduced from 0.5-1 to 0.25-0.75 seconds
- Non-Empowered Rocket Punch now stuns for the minimum 0.25 second duration on wall slam
- Empowered Rocket Punch knockback radius reduced from 4 to 3 meters
- Minimum time before cancel option becomes available reduced from 0.25 to 0.12 seconds
- Cooldown reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- This has been in since his rework but was not mentioned
Power Block
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
- Duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
- Minimum damage mitigated required to empower Rocket Punch reduced from 90 to 80 damage
Meteor Strike
- Now empowers Rocket Punch on landing
- Enemy slow duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
The Best Defense…
- Maximum temporary health increased from 150 to 200 health
- Temporary health gained per target hit with abilities increased from 30 to 40 health
Junker Queen
- Torso and head hit volume size increased 12%
- Wound duration reduced from 5 to 4.5 seconds
- Ultimate cost reduced by 10%
Commanding Shout
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 14 seconds
Adrenaline Rush
- Adrenaline passive healing multiplier increased from 1 to 1.25x damage dealt by wounds
- Configuration Artillery
- Delay before projectile drops reduced from 1 to 0.6 seconds
- Explosion damage reduced from 300 to 250
- No longer deals explosion damage to self
- Minimum delay between placing shots reduced by 20%
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds

- Energy delay before draining reduced from 8 to 5 seconds
- Secondary fire damage falloff starting range reduced from 70 to 40 meters
- Secondary fire critical damage multiplier reduced from 2 to 1.5
- Secondary fire damage now scales linearly with energy from 30 to 130 damage (1 energy converts to 1 damage added)
- Primary fire damage per projectile increased from 9 to 10
- Overclock energy charge rate increased by 20%
- Proton Projector
- Beam charge rate and decay rate increased by 20%
- Primary fire ammo consumption rate increased from 7 to 10 per second
- Primary fire gains ammo from damaging barriers again
- Pulse Pistols
- Damage increased from 5 to 6
Sleep Dart
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 14 seconds
Kitsune Rush
- Ultimate cost increased by 10%
- Movement speed bonus reduced from 50 to 30%
- Cooldown rate reduced from 3 to 2 times faster
Protection Suzu
- Cast time reduced from 0.15 to 0.1 second
Ame Takes A Break From Competitive Dota 2
- Ammo increased from 12 to 15
Swift Step
- Ability input can now be held to activate
- Weapon swap time reduced from 0.5 to 0.35 seconds
Caduceus Blaster
- Ammo increased from 20 to 25