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GTA 6: 5 Epic Predictions that might come True!

3 min read
GTA 6: 5 Epic Predictions that might come True!

GTA  6 : Introduction

GTA 6 is one of the most likely video games of all time. Fans of the series have been actively waiting for the next update since the release of GTA 5 in 2013. While Rockstar Games has not yet announced the release date of GTA 6 and there are many rumors and predictions about what the game will involve. In this blog post we will explore five predictions that might come true in GTA 6.

Prediction 1: The Game Will Return to Vice City


One of the most popular rumors about GTA VI is that the game will return to Vice City the city based on Miami that was first introduced in GTA Vice City. This rumor gained pull after a Reddit user claimed to have inside information about the game’s development. According to the user the game will be set in the 1980s and will feature a storyline that revolves around drug trafficking. While this rumor has not been confirmed by Rockstar Games and This is a possibility given the popularity of Vice City among fans of the series.

Prediction 2: You Can Play as a Cop

Another prediction about GTA 6 is that players will be able to play as a cop. This prediction is based on the fact that Rockstar Games has been experimenting with different gameplay mechanics in recent years. In GTA 5 players were able to switch between three different characters, each with their own unique storyline. It is possible that in GTA 6, players will be able to choose between playing as a criminal or a cop.

Prediction 3: Inspired by the Netflix Series Narcos

Another rumor about GTA 6 is that the game will be inspired by the Netflix series Narcos. This rumor gained pull after a Reddit user claimed to have seen a casting call for the game that mentioned the series. While this rumor has not been confirmed by Rockstar Games and it is a possibility given the popularity of the series.

Prediction 4: More Interactive Buildings

One of the criticisms of GTA 5 was that the game world felt static and lifeless. In GTA 6 it is predicted that the game world will be more interactive. This prediction is based on the fact that Rockstar Games has been working on improving the game’s development part. It is possible that in GTA 6 players will be able to interact with more buildings and objects in the game world.

Prediction 5: It’s Going to Be Next-Gen Only

A man immersed in a virtual world, his hands gripping the VR controllers as he navigates through the hyperrealistic streets of GTA VI. The neon lights of the city reflect off his visor, giving him a futuristic glow.

It is predicted that GTA 6 will be a next generation game only. This prediction is based on the fact that Rockstar Games has been focusing on developing games for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. It is possible that GTA 6 will be released entirely for these consoles.

READ MORE : GTA 6 Announcement by Rockstar Games Expected This Week : Exclusive Details Inside


In conclusion, these are five predictions that might come true in GTA 6 . While these predictions are based on rumors and beliefs and their are all possibilities given the direction that Rockstar Games has been taking with the series.

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