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How to Play Ludo Online?

5 min read
How to Play Ludo Online

How to Play Ludo online with friends? Learn how you can play and master the Ludo game online and beat your friends in epic showdowns. 

Ludo is undoubtedly one of the most popular board games in India and online Ludo apps are some of the fastest-growing and highly popular multiplayer games in India. The popularity of online Ludo games is so great that it even gives AAA games like PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty a run for their money in terms of fan following. 

Ludo originated in the late Victorian era and is believed to be based on the ancient Indian game called ‘Pachisi.’ Ever since the emergence of Ludo gaming apps, players have been able to enjoy the game on their smartphones from the comfort of their homes. 

But how to play Ludo online with friends? For those of you who don’t know, we will discuss the steps of playing Ludo online in detail. 

Steps to Play Ludo Game Online?

Before getting started, you and your friends must be on the same Ludo app. Download any Ludo app that you like and get started. 

  • Once you have downloaded the Ludo game, open it and “log in as a guest.” You can also register on the platform if you are willing to. 
  • After logging in, you will see the main menu of the game, here you can browse settings, various game modes, and other features of the app. For now, let’s focus on playing with friends. 
  • Next, tap on the start button, and play with friends. 
  • On the next screen, you will be asked to pick a colour, and two additional options- Create a Room and Join Room. You can create a room and invite your friends or you can join an existing room if you have the private code. 
  • If you have created a room, set an entry amount, and share the private code with your friends
  • After all the members have joined, you can start the game. 

Rules for Playing Ludo

Ludo is a household name in India, being played in every household. However, if you are new to the game and wondering “how to play Ludo?” it is actually quite easy and simple. Here’s a simple guide to get you started- 

  • The Ludo board is divided into four areas, each with three rows of small squares. All the rows and squares are each of the four colours of the pawns, where they will be placed. It is played by four players who move clockwise around the board. 
  • The objective is to make all 4 of your pawns circle the board and land on your home base. 
  • The game starts when a player rolls a dice. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and moving their pawns. Pawns in the home base can only be unlocked by rolling a 6. 
  • After the pawns have been unlocked, they will move according to the dice roll. 
  • If your pawn lands on an opponent’s pawn, you can bump them back all the way to their home base. This is very essential to stop other players from reaching the goal. 
  • Every player gets an additional turn if they roll a 6, if a player rolls 3 consecutive sixes, they lose that turn. 

How to Win Ludo? Tips and Tricks

Ludo is one of the best games for a quiet and chill time with friends. Now that you have understood how to play the Ludo game and the rules of Ludo, here are some tips and tricks to win the game. 

Open All Tokens

As mentioned above, you can open your tokens by rolling a 6. But it is easier said than done. Since 6s are especially rare in the Ludo game, it would be best to open all your tokens if you still need to. Having more tokens in the play opens up a ton of new possibilities and options, which is essential to winning the Ludo game. 

Avoid Using a Single Token

The objective of Ludo is to get all four of your tokens to the home triangle. A major mistake most players make is racing a single token without opening other tokens. Opening all tokens before racing one to the finish line is best. In case you are stuck or blocked by others, you can always use your other tokens for the chance. 

Capture Opponent’s Tokens

Capturing an opponent’s tokens and sending them back home is always fun. While the objective is to get your tokens to the home triangle, you can also capture other player’s tokens and give them a hard time reaching the finish line first. Whenever you get the chance, you should always capture other player’s tokens as it will maximize your chances of winning. 

Block Other Player’s Tokens

If you are having trouble capturing tokens, you can still find a way to win by blocking your opponent’s tokens. In this case, the opponent will not be able to capture or cross your token. Just camp in a safe space on the path to the opponent’s home triangle while moving your other tokens on the board. It is one of the simplest and most efficient Ludo strategies. 

Secure Your Tokens

Securing your token will allow you to protect them from your opponents. The Ludo board has several stars in places. These places are safe zones where no token can be captured. Just camp in a safe zone near your home triangle and start moving other tokens. Whenever you get a big roll, you can move that token to your secure coloured zone which is safe from other players. 

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Final Words

Ludo is one of the most popular board games in India and a major time pass. If you are new to the game and wondering ‘how to play Ludo online with friends,’ this beginner’s guide will help you. Make sure to understand all the Ludo rules before you start playing the game. 

Lastly, it is important to understand that Ludo is played for fun. So don’t worry too much if you make a few mistakes and just kick back and relax. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q. How to play the Ludo game online?

Ans. Download a Ludo game platform, check out the rules, and start playing. It is as simple as that. If you have trouble understanding the rules, you can refer to our beginner’s guide. 

Q. How many players can play online Ludo?

Ans. Ludo games online can be played by 2 to 4 players. However, there are single-player modes where you can play a 1v1 match against an AI opponent. 

Q. Is Ludo a skill-based game or a luck-based game?

Ans. Ludo is neither skill-based nor luck-based. It is a strategy-based game where you don’t have control over the dice but you have full control over how your tokens move.