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League of Legends MSI 2024

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League of Legends MSI 2024

Leagues of Legends Mid Season Invitational 2024

2024 Mid Season Invitational is expected to keep league fans captivated for the majority of May. This event will be held from May 1 through 19 at Chengdu in China. It features a program that includes the world’s best teams .

MSI 2024 is divided into two stages: the play in stage, and the brackets stage. This year’s Play-in Stage features some surprising players, including Faker and the defending World Champions T1. Play-in stages will lead to the main event where teams will compete until one is crowned.

Riot Twitch, Youtube, and any of the co-streamers have all of the MSI 2024 action available. If you are unable to watch live matches, then you can keep up with the standings and scores for MSI 2020 here.

Play-In stage

The LCK’s second seed will start their MSI journey 2024 in the group stage. T1 will begin the event with a game against Estral Esports, who represents Liga Latinoamerica. The group includes FlyQuest, representing North American LCS and PSG Talon from PCS.

Two wins in the play-in phase will advance you to the bracket round, while two defeats are grounds for elimination. After the Worlds win in 2023, T1 is expected to easily make it through the group.

Bracket Stage

They get an automatic bye to MSI 2024 as the top seeded team in the LCK. The Bracket Stage is where they begin their journey.

After the Play-In stage is over, the opponent’s name will be revealed at the Draw Show. This takes place on the 5th of May. They will either confirm their moniker of “international janitors”, or they will finally rid themselves of it.

Take a look at each team’s path, their players and their prospects at the League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational.


World Champions in the reigning: T1. Last year they brought Korea home the Worlds Trophy and are now looking to continue their success in MSI2024.

The team has been using the same roster ever since 2021. They didn’t have much success internationally for some time, apart from winning a Worlds Final 2022. Last year, the organization finally saw the benefits of its dedication when it denied JD Gaming the Golden Road by winning the Worlds 2023 Championship.

The players on the roster are all among the top in their respective roles. Zeus, the top laner of this team, has shown signs of weakness in recent weeks. However, there was plenty time for them to fix it.

Gen.G Esports

Local kings: Gen.G Esports. Since LCK Summer 2020, they have won every season. The majority of their team is made up of 2024 new signings, with the exception being Peyz as bot laner.

Peyz debuted in the LCK last year, after being promoted from Gen.G Challengers. This was his organization’s development team. Peyz quickly rose to the top of contenders for this role, and was awarded the Rookie Award 2023. Pentakills were common when Peyz was riding a champion who could hypercarry, like Zeri.

Now that hypercarries are mostly gone from the meta, there is some inconsistency with Gen.G. It’s possible that their opponents are looking for the Achilles’ Heel of this team.

Peyz is the only one who can’t be compared to everyone else in Gen.G. Gen.G Esports, with their experience and carrying potential for each member of the team, considers themselves a superteam.

Read More : Revenant Esports secured first possition in BGIS 2024 The Grind.

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